Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

Innovative strategies to control Brucellosis in Côte d’Ivoire

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Brucellosis, listed among the most common zoonoses caused by Brucella spp., bacteria. Many countries like Côte d’Ivoire make it as a priority zoonosis, to be controlled and eliminated under the Global Health Security Agenda framework. In the African context, where the disease is most rampant, greatly impairing the lives of humans and animals. Humans, contract brucellosis through close contact with infected animals or their products and via the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. To control the disease in Africa, specific and innovative and integrated strategies need to be set in place for mitigation.

The consortium Afrique One-ASPIRE aims to support the initiatives of the different government bodies, particularly those in charge of public health and animal health to combat the epidemic. Supports and tool for control and surveillance, and technical and financial partners is essential for an integrated intervention. The purpose of this workshop is to gather national experts and technical partners around the epidemic of brucellosis in Côte d’Ivoire and come up with proposition that can be consider to design innovative strategies to combat or mitigate its transmission.

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