Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

Governance model and management of a scientific research institution


The aim of this module is for researchers and future leaders to understand the organisation of their institutions, the mode of governance, the rules and administrative procedures. The knowledge and respect of these elements lead to research good practices, integrity, and ethics. At the end of this module, participants will understand their role as full stakeholders in the functioning of the institution, and their position not only as beneficiaries but also as contributors to the proper functioning of the institution.

Detailed content of the sessions

Specific objectives:

Lead trainers


Prerequisites / Target audience: No prerequisites, target audience from PhD. Possibility to decline a version of this module especially for managers and institutional managers.


A- An online QCM is submitted for each session of the module. 

B- Global evaluation (online questionnaire or oral). A situation of conflict or risk (insecurity) is described in a document (it can be an ethical conflict, a contractual conflict, a framed conflict, an accident on the premises of their institution, etc.). Participants must make a critical analysis of the situation described, identify responsibilities and possible solutions (or at least the people to be informed to solve the situation).