Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

Afrique One
Building Pan African Research Capacity in One Health

One health, transdisciplinarity and mixed methods

Summary of the module

This module provides an understanding of the need to move beyond compartimented approaches (into disciplines) when addressing systemic issues, such as human, animal, or environmental health issues. Participants will acquire tools and methods to work across disciplines, sectors and geographical boundaries, and understand their application through practical cases. At the end of the training, participants know what are the main tools constituting a transdisciplinary research project and will understand its application within the framework of One Health approaches.

Detailed content of the sessions

Specific objectives:

Lead trainers


Prerequisites / Target audience: Master degree in a regular discipline.


Multiple choice question

Analyse critically a project summary to tell what is part of a One Health approach and what is lacking for a One Health approach.