“One Health Cross-border strategies for the reduction of foodborne zoonoses” is the topic of a project proposal developed by an international team of 10 researchers including Dr Katharina Kreppel, the Afrique One-ASPIRE training coordinator for East Africa, and Prof Rudovick Kazwala, Afrique One-ASPIRE thematic group leader. They come from several institutions such as OHCEA, SUA, Mak, NM-AIST, UoN, Mo Agriculture, Mo Livestock, Mo Health, One Health Platforms and EAC.
The proposal is the result of the 2018 Agricultural Research Connection Workshop which was held from 20 to 22 March 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya and hosted by the international Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), a major partner in the Afrique One-ASPIRE.
“One Health Cross-border strategies for the reduction of foodborne zoonoses” aims to reduce food borne diseases using the One Health approach by (i) linking One Health platforms across borders, (ii) harmonising integrated surveillance methods/detection protocols (SOPs), (iii) strengthening diagnostic capacities and developing diagnostic tools as well as (iv) characterising pathogen profiles. It is aligned with the Afrique One-ASPIRE subprojects addressing research questions on foodborne disease transmission applying the One Health concept. All researchers involved in the proposal development are actively contributing to prepare the proposal for submission.