The recently appointed Director of the BecA-ILRI Hub, Prof Jacob Mignouna, expressed the desire to strengthen the partnership between his institution and Afrique One-ASPIRE and to explore avenues for expanded joint programmes in One Health research and capacity building. In this frame, a meeting with a delegation from the Beca-ILRI Hub and the coordination team of Afrique One-ASPIRE was organized on the 7th November 2017 at Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS).
The meeting was made up of two presentations and discussions. The first presentation was presented by Dr Karim Ouattara, senior monitoring and evaluation assistant for Afrique One-ASPIRE. He showcased the governance and research strategy of CSRS and pointed out again the research institute vision to conduct research in partnership for sustainable development.
The programme manager of Afrique One-ASPIRE, Dr Kathrin Heitz-Tokpa, took the floor after her colleague to present Afrique One-ASPIRE. She highlighted the main role of BecA-ILRI Hub in the Afrique One-ASPIRE. It consists by providing training support in biosciences and bioinformatics at the Afrique One-ASPIRE fellows and mobilizing additional resources for supporting Afrique One-ASPIRE and BecA-ILRI Hub BecA joint activities.
A discussion on the next challenges of Afrique One-ASPIRE followed the presentations. Prof Mignouna has really appreciated the partnership and his pleasure to be a partner of Afrique One-ASPIRE.